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Parts Diagrams

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1981 KLT200 - BATTERY CASE/TOOL CASE ('81-'82 KLT200-A

Part Item Information
BRAKET 1 11034-4051 1
COVER 2 14025-4007 1
BOLT-UPSET,6X20 3 112G0620 2
WASHER SPRING 6MM 4 461F0600 2
CASE-BATTERY 5 32097-4002 1
MAT-BATTERY SIDE 6 32103-023 1
COLLAR 7 92027-1045 2
BAND BATTERY 8 92072-006 1
DAMPER RUBBER 9 92075-078 4
DAMPER RUBBER 10 92075-277 2
DAMPER RUBBER 11 92075-280 1
DAMPER,BATTRY CASE 12 92075-4019 1
HOLDER-BATTERY 13 13091-4006 1
SCREW PAN HEAD 6X16 14 220B0616 1
WASHER PLAIN 6MM 15 411B0600 1
WASHER SPRING 6MM 16 461F0600 1
WASHER 6.5X20X1.6T 17 92022-125 2 - F/NO. 510553
BAND BATTERY 18 92072-006 1 - F/NO. 510553
CASE-TOOL 19 32098-4001 1 - F/NO. 510553
BOLT-UPSET,6X12 20 112G0612 2 - F/NO. 510553
WASHER PLAIN 6MM 21 410B0600 2 - F/NO. 510553
WASHER SPRING 6MM 22 461F0600 6 - F/NO. 510553
BRKT,TAIL LAMP 23 23036-4002 1 - F/NO. 510553
BOLT-UPSET 6X14 24 112B0614 4 - F/NO. 510553
HOLDER, 25 13091-4008 1